Monday, June 25, 2007


We're ending another day! Today, we hit 27 weeks, yay!!!

Not to much happened today. I have met with the lactation consultants. As soon as Matthew is born I will be set up with everything necessary to start pumping. Colostrum is incredibly beneficial to preemies and we want to be sure Matthew gets the best possible start.

I've started having some round ligament pain. which is not at all enjoyable let me tell ya! I also have some pain towards the top of my stomach that we're keeping an eye on.

Other than that, nothing's new, same temp, same blood pressure, same room ;)

We are still having the baby shower curtesy of Grandma, Nana, Auntie Christy, Auntie Christina, Auntie Sammie and Auntie Jamie. I'm sure Matthew will be very grateful! My invitations should be here tomorrow! If you'd like to see them, let me know and I can e-mail them. If you'd like to attend, just make sure I have your address ;) The day will center around Dusty and Kaitlyn. There will be a video camera so I can see everything to :D

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