Friday, June 15, 2007


Happy Friday! And, day 13 for us! It's more than halfway over and we're really stable! It's almost hard to believe that nearly 2 weeks have already passes.

Today has been fairly uneventful. I saw Kaitlyn nice and early and have Priscilla as my nurse. I'm pretty sure she's my favorite. I have a top 3 team that I like the best and she's easily the top two there.

I saw the doctor today. He and the dietician aren't thrilled with the weight I've lost since being in the hospital so my caloric intake is being increased and I will be weighed every day to increase my weight gain and therefore increase Matthew's weight gain. The plumper he is when he's delivered the better chance he'll have at maintaining body temperature, a huge problem with preemies.

Dr. Haesslein thinks my uterus feels soft. This is good news, he thinks that the fluid has replenished itself substantially since we first came in. He is going to do another ultra sound himself next week to see where we stand. The more fluid Matthew has, the more room he has to grow AND the extra fluid allows him the opportunity to practice breathing as a normal baby in the womb would do at this age. Typically with low fluid, babies don't have enough to do it. I'm hoping that his fluid has increased to a more normal level and hopefully the bed rest we have to continue, the fluid will sustain a high level.

We also found out more information about our 3rd shot of steroids. The plan is that we are going to try and wait until 28 weeks to give the steroid booster. Studies are not clear as to how well the steroids work early in gestation so they want to wait as long as possible to give the third shot to give it the best chance of working. However, at any time I become unstable prior to that, I will be given the booster immediately.

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