Day 10 is now coming to an end.
It would have been wonderful if it was a slow day, but unfortunatly it wasn't.
The nurses had me up until 2 AM. I was having contractions and Matthew's heart rate would drop in the 80-90 range through each one. They were also slightly longer coming in at nearly 45 seconds to a minute where they had been 15-30 seconds. This meant I had to stay on both the heart monitor and the contraction monitor until the wee hours of the morning, I finally fell asleep after 2 and they worked with the wires and monitors while I slept. I was just so tired.
This morning got started at 6:15 AM. I was warned that I would be having my glucose test first thing in the morning. I was not at all happy about being woken up after our long night! I was still on the contraction monitor. At about 7:45 the lab came in and my blood was drawn for the "pre-test." I then was given my *gag* orange drink to chug down quickly. Let me tell ya, if you didn't eat much the day before and are getting over the stomach flu, orange syrup that tastes like flat soda is the LAST thing you want to chug. An hour later, and many veins later, my blood was drawn again.
From there, I got breakfast and some rest. A bit before lunch, I had my IV of fluids discontiued and flushed. After that I went up to use the restroom and discovered a small bit of bright red blood. I called the nurse immediatly. I had to go back to my bed being 100% flat and not moving at all for anything. I was given instructions that I had to call the nurse if I had to use the restroom and the threat that if the bleeding continued I would have my bathroom privelages revoked. Lucky for me, there hasn't been any bleeding since then.
I'm back to having visitors. They just request (as do I) that if you are sick, have been sick, have been around sick people or think that you may be sick, you wait before visiting and that all visitors wash and sanitize their hands. Another case like yesterday and we may not be as lucky.
I did get to see both of my princesses today!! Camaryn came up with Kaitlyn to visit. Kaitlyn stayed while Nana, Auntie Christy and Camaryn went shopping. I could not believe how long Camaryn's hair has gotten in the psat 10 days! Kaitlyn was a sweetheart. She has a really hard time sitting still though and I think Daddy's nerves were a little frazzled.
I have found an amazing site that is all about pPROM (Pre-term, premature rupture of membranes) that has been incredibly helpful. If you have a chance, check it out: pPROM
We'd also like to give a big thank you to Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Craig, Hope and Great Grandma Bobbie for their generous gifts of shopping ;) What better way to pass the time?
Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting and we greatly look forward to getting to day 11 in our journey tomorrow!
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