Thursday, October 18, 2012

A compulsive planner

I like to plan out my week. Even the simple stuff like what time each day I will put away laundry, go to the store, pick up dog poo or work on eBay orders.

I plan it in my head on Friday's for the following week. The schedule takes into account the obvious things like my weekly doctor's appointments, Kaitlyn and her school and cheer schedule, late start Wednesday's and, while I hate to allow it, flexibility.

The last couple of weeks I've become obsessed with the idea of getting the walls, carpets, baseboards and every nook and cranny scrubbed clean.

After Samantha's Desitin incident last week, I lost momentum.  I did not feel like it anymore.  But, I decided that finishing would be in my to-do list.  This is how this weeks schedule looked:

On Monday, I knew that I wanted to go to the cemetery, I didn't add to much else to my list because I knew I may not feel like it.  I had originally planned to try and go to Hobby Lobby to pick up some material for a friend of my sister-in-law's baby.  I didn't.  I put it off. 

On Tuesday, I knew I had a doctor's appointment in the AM, I wanted go to Hobby Lobby and possibly Walmart after.  And clean like crazy to get all the living room dusted.  Then, cut out the pieces for the costume I was making, make sure all the laundry was put away and be done.  Yeah.  I went to my appointment, made it to Hobby Lobby and that was it.  I was having a rough "pregnancy" day and just had no injury and was in physical pain all day.  So, nothing else got done.

On Wednesday, it was a late start day.  I planned on picking up around the house, maybe cleaning Samantha's room again, getting all caught up on laundry, starting the costume and that was it.  Yesterday, was the opposite of a lazy day.  Once I started, it didn't stop.  I was able to dust the entire living room.  That can be a feat without a pregnant belly.  It involves Dusty's liquor collection, a thousand DVDs, pictures, reorganizing some shelving and lots of nooks and crannies.  I cleaned all the hard floors through the house.  I not only got all caught up on the laundry, but put it away.  I scrubbed the whole house and it's done.  Except for the carpet, which I had planned on doing Monday.  And, I nearly finished the costume.  It's about 15 minutes away from being done and mostly waiting on the postman to deliver the socks I need to make the baby legs.

Today was going to be a sewing day.  I allotted enough time to run by Walmart and the fabric store to finally decide on Samantha's and then pick up supplies.  Then, I would come home and sew both costumes for the rest of the day, and follow up by cleaning up the dog poo in the backyard.  Normally, I do this every day since they poop so much, but our scooper broke and I needed a new one.  I could have used a shovel, but my back begged me not to.

Friday was going to be a finish up on sewing (since I planned on not being done) and scrubbing the house so I can clean the carpets on Monday.

Well.  With one costume just about done, the whole house cleaned, Dusty having done the dog poop last night and my schedule freeing up, I almost don't know what to do with myself!  Today, I'm going to still decide and create Samantha's costume, which is going to be fairly easy since both costumes I have it narrowed down to require minimal sewing.  And tomorrow I am going to clean the carpets and then be out of the house for the day.

I have no idea what I'm going to schedule for next week.  More obsessive cleaning?  Getting ready for a couple of birthdays?  Getting ready for Christmas?  I know there are some rain storms on the way, finally!

This Saturday is Kaitlyn's last cheer game of the regular season.  She is so excited she found out last night she might get to fly either Saturday or in competition and practiced several times last night.  She kept telling me in the car, "I can't believe how fast this year is going" and all I could do was agree a thousand times over again.

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