Sunday, May 27, 2007


Last week we had an ultra sound to see how little Matthew is doing! He has grown so much and is starting to fill in with some fat and tissue! At this ultra sound we were able to see the three vessel cord so we will be discussing that with our doctor on June 6! He is going to be so cute and his nose looks just like Kaitlyn's did!

It was funny, during the ultra sound, I asked them to verify sex since Matthew hasn't been cooperative in the last 2 ultra sounds. Well, Matthew wasn't being cooperative this time either. He must be shy hee hee. So, two techs thought it was a girl. They were ready to call it and had a third tech come over to confirm. Right as the third tech was about to say girl, Matthew displayed the goods and verified the sex for us!

This weekend was so busy too! We spent a lot of time with both my family and Dusty's family. We had some yummy food at Dusty's parent's Friday night and met Jamie and Joel's new baby Mason. Mason is the cutest dog you will ever see! He looks just like the puppy in the cottenelle commercials!

Saturday we went to Aunt Sue and Uncle Jim's for a BBQ where my parents were too. We ate and Kaitlyn swam and played in the pool. She might be in need of some swimming lessons this year!

Sunday we went and did some shopping with Dusty's parents. Matthew and Kaitlyn got some cute new outfits before we headed to my parent's house where Christina and Brian already were! We ended up getting wrapped up in Soprano's and staying way late.

Monday we went to the coutny Fair at Cal Expo! Kaitlyn, Camaryn and Dusty had a blast! You should have seen all the stuff Dusty won! He was might proud of himself.

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