Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Well, on Sunday I officially hit the half way point of my pregnancy. I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by in comparison with my first pregnancy! Then, it felt like time just dragged by and now I worry that time is going by so fast that we'll never be ready in time for his arrival.

This pregnancy, so far, as been so much easier physically than when I was pregnant with little miss Kaitlyn. I wasn't nearly as sick for nearly as long, I haven't had that dreadful hip pain, and I've had more energy. I think at least part of it has been because I don't have time for any of that, Kaitlyn definatly keeps me on my toes lol!

We still have to do EVERYTHING to Matthew's room. I mean, we still have to move the computer out, move Dusty's stuff out (you know the electronic stuff he hasn't unpacked since the first time we moved in together, what, 5 years ago?), paint, put furniture together, decorate, new closet doors and all of that goodness. I REALLY wanted it done by the end of May, but with all that's going on this month, I just don't see that happening.

Friday, Spiderman 3 is coming out. Dusty is really excited and with Spiderman's past he has taken the day off of work. He decided not to this time since he might need those days for something else, but we do plan on seeing it opening night (how foolish are we?)

We are going camping this weekend. We'll be joining my parents, Christina, Samantha, David, and his parents for a weekend of fun in the sun. Just hope for beautiful weather that isn't too hot, just warm enough to give me a bit of a tan hee hee.

Next weekend is Mother's Day weekend. I have an Owner's visit scheduled on Saturday, oh joy. Then on Sunday we are going to see our beauty queen Camaryn compete in the National Pageant.

The following weekend, we are going to see Elmo live in San Jose! We have floor tickets and I still need to start and finish Kaitlyn and McKenzie's outifts. Hopefully I can start on them this week.

That pretty much wraps up our May haha. So, I might have to do some creative planning if I want any of Matthew's room done this month. Keep your finger's crossed for me.

In 5 short days, it'll be the 8 year anniversary of when Dusty asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed in what feels like a heart beat.

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