Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy 5th birthday Matthew

Today is Matthew's 5th birthday. He should be running around, jumping, creating havoc, and enjoying cupcakes for breakfast. Instead, he will forever be our teeny tiny little baby boy.

The 5th birthday is a big milestone to me. It's the year little ones start kindergarten, stop being preschoolers and become official "big kids." It's the last year you are likely sure that they will keep their cute little baby teeth, and the last year they can use one hand to show "how many" they are.

This year, Matthew does not get to pick out a backpack and lunch box. He doesn't get to go the school' ice cream social and find out who his teacher is or where his classroom is. just as he didn't get to celebrate his first through fourth birthdays with us, he simply isn't here on Earth to celebrate his 5th. To us, he will always be a 10 lb stinker in tiny clothes who we make silly faces and sounds at to try and get a peek at a smile.

This year, our family will continue to miss him as we celebrate another birthday without him, as we welcome another sister without him and as we prepare for another Christmas without him.

His life was far too short, but rich in love. He is forever a big part of our family, forever missed and forever loved. While I trade anything in the world to have him here with us, I am so incredibly thankful for the precious time we ad with our little miracle.

1 comment:

Lj82 said...

Happy fifth birthday Matthew.
I hope today is gentle to you Denise.